Mark’s … protocol and personae are life changing to me!
They say it’s never too late and at 77 years old I know they are right since I’ve discovered PRIMAL ROTATIONAL PATTERNS and its owner MARK DIAZ… (my personal trainer and new friend) …my life has drastically changed.
I’ve been unfortunate enough to have had two hip replacements along with a left knee replacement… and I had lost my full range of motion almost 17 years ago.
BUT, since hooking up with Mark and his gym for the short past 5-6 weeks, I have noticed an increased / tremendous amount of flexibility and range of motion that I haven’t had in years… I once again can bend enough to tend to my feet as well. I’m also feeling a difference from within my body AND, being a diabetic with severe hihg numbers in the past, I feel that the program has helped monitor my sugar levels tremendously!
I referred one of my close friends (who has been experiencing joint pains due to past accidents) to Mark, and she has found almost instant pain relief / a new lease on life as well.
Unfortunately, I do not have the background – nor have I ever had the opportunity to become – this health conscious and aware of my body BUT, through Mark’s professional training and protocol, I am understanding more and more about what is happening within my body and these results are phenomenal!
I would recommend any opportunity of your reaching out and working under Mark’s direction… BOTH HIS PROTOCOL AND HIS PERSONAE ARE LIFE CHANGING to me!
Every day since I enrolled and comitted to PRIMAL ROTATIONAL PATTERNS, I reflect on how much this and Mark have helped me… and I feel that there’s much more to come from this for me as well!
– Tony Tercillo, Gardiner, NY