About Mark Diaz, Founder
Primal Rotational Patterns Corporation

Mark DiazI am a 34-year veteran of the personal training and strength coaching industries, and a lifetime seeker of peak performance. I started personal training at the YMCA of Kingston in 1992. By 1995, I was a full-time personal trainer in New Paltz, NY at The Health Club. and a weight room supervisor for SUNY New Paltz.

I left the Hudson Valley in 1996 to become a personal trainer in New York City at Crunch Fitness. I opened the flagship Crunch on 59th Street and 2nd Avenue with about 20 other trainers, where I quickly established myself as an industry leader in the specialty of post-rehabilitative fitness.

Breaking Fitness Barriers

I left Crunch in 1997 to pursue my own training business, ultimately forming the company Physiqology – Breaking Fitness Barriers. Across two decades, I trained hundreds of people from all walks of life, including athletes who won State and National titles in shotput, 100-, 200-, 400-, 800- meters, Taekwondo, karate, and a precious few who made it to the Olympics.

I became disenchanted with traditional strength training in my 40s as I realized that my days of big, strong, dumb, and tan were behind me (I was never very tan anyway), and that they had contributed to premature biomechanical aging resulting in movement dysfunction and chronic pain.

Movement Analytics Models

In the search for an answer, I co-founded Big Notion, a movement analytics company dedicated to ending non-traumatic injury in sport. I wrote approximately 250 models of movement analytics for every conceivable sport – the big US Four – baseball, basketball, hockey, American football – as well as soccer, tennis, lacrosse, boxing, MMA, and all the disciplines of Track and Field.

Data Analytics for Physical Redress of Injury, Thought Patterning, and Performance

Frustrated with what I perceived as the company’s lack of vision, I left to form Primal Rotational Patterns, the first – as far as I know – data analytics company dedicated to the retraining of the enteric nervous system for physical redress of injury, thought patterning, and performance.

I believe physical therapy and personal training programs lack proper ethos, and husband failure by making training too complex and too expensive to be accessible to anyone but a privileged few.

We are living in an unprecedented time of movement dysfunction. It informs everything we do from our bowel movements to our politics. It infects and infests our reality.

Movement Re-Education System

I created a movement re-education system based in 13 movement patterns that addresses the entire body. When the fascia is completely mobilized, the mind is completely engaged. We desperately need more real engagement today, whether it be to return to health, to play better games, or to be better actors in society.

I hope you will join me in a movement revolution, so that we might have a movement evolution.